
A li'l bit
about myself

A professional in the field of coding since the date of birth, who has a great affinity towards making useful stuff (mostly with JS); fueled with lots and lots of optimism and self-motivation. πŸ’ͺ

Wrote a piece of code 7 years ago, it was fun; so that’s what I have been doing till date. Also, a huge Marvel fan! πŸ˜„

My Skills


React Native





My Projects

β˜‘οΈ Studify

Student Utility Mobile App. Everything that a student needs.
Platform-Android Version-3.0 App Size-9.6_MB Editor-VS Code Framework-React Native Language-JavaScript Rating-4.9 Downloads-1K+

18 8 135

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🐟 staart - vendor

A mobile app for construction vendors to manage projects and track payments.
Platform-Android Version-7.9 App Size-34_MB Editor-VS Code Framework-React Native Language-JavaScript Rating-5.0 Downloads-100+

View on Play Store

🌞 Weather Bot

An automated bot that notifies you every morning about the weather in your city.
Platform-Android/_iOS Version-v1.0beta Repo_Size-238_KB Editor-VS_Code Language-JavaScript Runtime_Environment-Node.js Weather_API-OpenWeatherMap Chat_API-Telegram

16 2 23

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πŸ” Tanay Pratap Search Engine

Do you have a question for Tanay? Search here before you ask him!
Platform-Web Version-0.1.0 App_Size-7_MB Editor-VS_Code Library-React Languages-HTML,_CSS,_JS

7 1 44

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My Blogs

My website now loads in less than 1 sec! Here's how I did it! ⚑

Sharing the tips and tricks I used to load my portfolio in just 0.8 seconds and achieved a performance score of 97 on lighthouse.

1,207 107 31,983

How my portfolio got a SEO score of 100 ? 😲

Sharing the tips and tricks I used to achieve a SEO score of 100 on lighthouse.

202 35 18,207

How to add Splash Screen in a React Native Android App? 🌟

Sharing all the steps which I did to implement it within minutes!

54 19 15,981

How to prepare for placements (and a good package πŸ˜‰) ?

Sharing the tips and resources I used to crack interviews at many big IT companies of India.

My Achievements

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